5 Things You Should Know About Advertising!

Advertising – “The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services“.

We know sometimes it can be confusing to define the difference between marketing, PR, and Advertising and we have defined all that for you here. But delving into advertising more it’s important to understand its importance and how it is a big funnel that creates products into global brands that are not things or services we use but brands we believe in and are apart of our lives. Think about it, when you go shopping there is a reason why you pick up Andrex tissue paper, Flora butter, or Walkers crisps. 

The average consumer must see a brand 7 times before the message even begins to sink in. And thats down to advertising. So at Life Of A Marketing Girl were breaking it down and taking you through a few things that will help you understand the strategy of advertising and why once you understand how to cultivate it, you will be able to identify an opportunity to leverage it as a marketer. 

  1. Create and Speak To Your Consumer’s Emotions 

Studies show that people rely on emotions, it helps them drive the majority of their decisions. Think about it, giving to just any charity may not move you, however, if you know that will help save’s a young helpless child’s life you will be more open and interested to understand how you donating your money can contribute to helping someone else’s child. That is all down to the advert tucking at your heartstring. In marketing terms, it’s tapping into your emotive sense and creating a connecting that you understand and feel. 

When creating and advertising storyline, consider in your messaging to evoke an emotion (happiness, sadness, fear, or anger) appealing to emotions that can help your target audience feel your message and not just see it or hear it.

2. Benefits Over Feature 

When communication a product or service doesn’t focus on what the product does (which is the feature). Focus on how it benefits the customers and the added value it offers to your target customer. 

For example – think about when Slimfast advertises their new supplements. They always focus on the amazing flavor they offer and how easy it is a meal replacement and not every ingredient and that you need to lose weight, they focus on the benefits and being a positive change within once lifestyle. In this advertisement, they focus on the benefits.

3. Storytelling 

Storytelling is the non-negotiable strategy that we advocate for at Life Of A Marketing Girl. Storytelling helps paint a bigger picture of a brand or company, not simply promote a single product or service. Customers can relate to the story that will want to know more about the product and eventually make a purchase.

4. Keep It Positive

Ask yourself this question, when customers see your service or your product is associated with happy feelings? If so, they are more likely to take notice and potentially make a purchase.

When you begin to create your objectives, consider what feelings, aspirations, or purpose that you want your brand to be associated with. Include these positive feelings into your advertisements through all content. Also, remember to ensure your influencers align with your brand’s core values and demeanor and most importantly promote those positive associations.

5. Advertising Helps Business’s Develop

It is a key tool that contributes to the one marketing mix, advertising is a historical method that has evolved, especially with digital innovation, and is also deeply rooted in psychology. When your working on a marketing campaign consider all these variables; radio, sponsorship, TV commercials, and social media promotion. All these opportunities to advertise and promote a brand. Not all may be needed but always consider the key channels that speak to your targeted audience. 

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