What Is The Difference Between Marketing and PR?

One of the most common question within the communications industry from graduates and keen PR and marketing Enthusiast. LOAMG Founder, Olivia Gold did an article on Pepper Your Talk about the key difference between Marketing and Pr. I thought it is only right that I also share this to the Life Of A Marketing Girl Community that continues to push for information and insight to further their careers.  Check it out and I hope it helps you!

What is PR?

The correct term for PR is Public Relations, which is all about reputation – the result of what you do, say and what others say about you. Simply put, PR is about managing a reputation.

A fundamental element of PR is brand representation in the media. For example, a brand will host a press day for a new collection with a few desired objectives in mind. Top-tier journalists will be invited with the hopes of them writing a review or story about the pieces. Stylists will be invited in the hopes of them featuring the items in upcoming shoots. Bloggers will be invited, to either select the items they’ll be gifted or to create content from the day and share it with their audience.

In doing so, they are maximising the reach of the brand by building relationships with the right people. Overall, all PR activities should maintain or raise the reputation of the brand to potential customers, which in turn translates into sales.


What is Marketing?

According to Kotler and Armstrong (Principles of Marketing, 2013) Marketing is ‘the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.’ As a marketer myself, I believe this speaks to what marketing truly is. Not only does a customer buy into the item but they buy into the brand; whether that be the style of the products or the lifestyle promoted around the clothes.

A marketer’s job is to come up with creative activations to promote the brand, item, collection or a special project/collaboration. The use of market research and strategy is a big factor in this because it is only when a business truly understands its customer can it then understand how best to create an impact in that customer’s life.


What is the difference?

The key difference between PR and Marketing is the audience:

PR = Industry relationships

Marketing = Customers

PR is to building favourable relationships with the media, press and influencers (these are the people that drive influence and communicate the brand perceptions to customers). Occasionally, this also extends to investors and suppliers. Whilst marketing is about promoting a brand or product through various creative approaches (advertising, digital marketing, social media etc.) to the customer.

The processes and strategies used to achieve these objectives are very different. Both areas run campaigns whether it’s by using influencers to promote a new fashion collection or traditionally using models and running a campaign shoot that we end up seeing in our favourite magazines. Marketing success is measured by campaign sales and ROI (return on investment). Whereas a successful PR campaign is measured by securing and maintaining successful relationships with key stakeholders in the industry that can then share great press coverage of your brand, product or collection.

What are some roles within a PR team?

Depending on the scale of the business (small or large) the team with have:

  • – PR Assistant
  • – PR Coordinator
  • – PR Manager
  • – Influencer Manager
  • – Head of PR
  • – PR Director (who reports into the Chief Marketing Officer or Executive Leadership Team/Senior Leadership Team)

In an agency environment, the roles are as follows (depending on the scale of the business small or large):

  • – Account Assistant
  • – Account Executive
  • – Senior Account Executive
  • – Account Manager
  • – Senior Account Manager
  • – Account Director

What are some roles within a marketing team?

Depending on the scale of the business (small or large) the team with have:

  • – Marketing Assistant
  • – Marketing Executive
  • – Marketing Manager

Social is a big part of Marketing and PR and either social media manager or executive roles can sit in either of the teams depending on the size of the team or business. There is also a strategic side to marketing which consists of creating the campaign angles, the thinking and initiative behind a campaign and why. (These roles vary, are often only on senior levels and can be within these remits:

  • – Strategic Manager
  • – Brand Manager
  • – Campaign Manager

Are PR skills transferable to Marketing roles (vice versa)?

Yes, yes, yes! It is so important to have transferable skills. Marketing and PR work hand in hand so having both contribute to the value you can bring to your potential employer.

Which campaigns do you currently love or are personal favourites of yours?

My favourite campaign currently is:

Jigsaw Immigration campaign – Jigsaw launched a campaign in 2017 about celebrating immigration as part of their promotion for its autumn/winter collection. Read more about it here.

Nike Middle East sportswear campaign – Nike launched a culturally rich, empowering campaign that pays homage to Middle Eastern athletes and explores the challenges young Arab women aspiring to a professional sporting career may face. Read more about it here.

Campaigns mean more when there is an authentic reflection of people, life and culture involved.  

Where do you see the future of Marketing and PR going?

I think the future is in digital innovation and with fashion companies being more reactive to customers real needs and not want the company wants it to be. Brands will have have to stay close to their loyal consumers as well as potential new customers and study what their aspirations are, as well as lifestyle escapism habits.

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