The Inside Scoop Of A freelance Digital & social Marketer – Daisy ‘The Content Queen’

We have a new Inside scoop from a fellow #LifeOfAMareketinggirl! What makes our community so much fun, is hearing from the best in the industry, what I mean by that is. You all are great because you are YOU and that is your power. Whether you are starting out in your marketing career or have 10 years experience, we enjoy connecting and shining a light on you!

Kicking us of in 2022, we have Daisy – Freelance digital marketer! 

1. You’ve coined the title as content queen, tell us what does your expertise entail?

So essentially, all things organic content-related! Including CRM, content creation and social media. I mainly create and manage social media strategies, but my other expertise is copywriting – whether that’s short-form ad copy or long-form blog articles.




2. How did you get into content marketing? (A brief overview of your journey from  graduating Uni until now?)

So after graduating Bournemouth Uni studying English, my main ambition was to work as an editor for a magazine. I’d done quite a few work placements throughout uni, at places like Grazia Magazine, but I actually then went for a social media role for Debenhams after graduating, in the beauty department.

I worked there for a couple of years, working my way up into a Beauty Content Lead role (had mucho fun working on all the beauty brands there) but got made redundant in Jan 2021 when Debenhams got bought by Boohoo.

I ended up having enough small, freelance opportunities under my belt to carry on this way (as I did a bit of social media management alongside my role at Debenhams).

I can’t believe that was a whole year ago! Since then, I’ve carried on pursuing freelance opportunities (I worked at The Sole Supplier for a while as a copywriter as well as CULTED as a writer). At the moment, I’m still working with small businesses & agencies (including skincare brand Smart Skin) and I’m also working at John Lewis part-time managing a social project.

3. When creating content for brands, is it easier working with bigger and more established brands, or smaller businesses that have a blank canvas?

It’s fun to have the freedom with smaller businesses, but I (weirdly) enjoy the processes and structures at big businesses – it’s a bit easier in terms of working towards a clear strategy and direction!

4. With digital and social media marketing becoming more of a popular career choice, do you find it hard finding work as a freelancer?

Yes! I’ve been lucky so far in my first year, but it’s such a saturated market that it’s even more important to cut through the noise. You’ve gotta be motivated to be freelance or else it’s lay-ins, no work and no money! It’s also really tempting to just accept anything that comes your way, with the lack of security that comes from freelancing.


5. What is your advice in regards to building the best portfolio to showcase your digital marketing and social media management skills?

I was really late to the game, just because I was trying to figure out how I wanted to brand myself etc (and was busy figuring out freelance life) BUT, I recently started an Instagram as a kind of portfolio. It’s a great way to show off skills with reels, content knowledge etc. Also, get a site! Pack it with all of your work and get loads of good testimonials.

Plus, and I say this to aaaanyone who asks, get AS MUCH EXPERIENCE AS POSSIBLE! Someone told me that when I decided I wanted to be an editor, so as soon as I was old enough, I took myself to London and interned anywhere I could; then, keep and build those connections, because probably about 80% of my work has come my way (from some way or another) through a connection.

6. What was the best career advice you have ever been given or read?


Lol, nah – it’s not a specific quote as such, but something that really resonates with me is making sure you find your niche – whether you’re a small business, influencer or you offer a service like social media management, it’s vital to find your specific niche. A USP isn’t enough in 2022! Refine your brand and figure out exactly who it is you cater for. Then run with it!

7. Which is your favourite hat to wear when it comes to freelancing? – Do you enjoy being a contributing writer for various brands or creating tailored social media content?

I love writing – that’ll always be my number one passion! Buuut I also love being involved in super sick, creative campaigns – seeing small ideas drive big results!

8. As a freelancer, what is your best advice for managing time? In terms of planning workload and prioritising meeting deadlines.

Two things work well for me – a written diary where I have a daily to do list (ticking each one off just feels sooo good) and then I actually block out my day (on my Gmail calendar) with what I’m doing hour by hour, to help me know where TF my heads at!

9. If you could go back, what would you tell your younger self?

Trust the process! And it IS a process – sometimes a very long, turbulent and challenging one!

Find out more about the content queen herself right here:


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